Watch Amazing Jump Roper Effortlessly Time Her Performance to Music

Skipping rope can be fun for kids and adults alike, but it can also be much more than a game of Double Dutch. The jump rope is a versatile tool that is often used by athletes for their warmup exercises. Some especially talented people even use the jump rope for mind-boggling routines that will entertain and enthrall you. Mimi Youu is a Paris-based performer who pairs her jump rope with a variety of beats to put on mesmerizing performances.

Although only a minute or two in length, each video is captivating to watch. Youu possesses a masterful ease around the jump rope, skipping forward and then reversing her movements without pause. Depending on the song of her choosing, she incorporates a variety of other dance-like steps, sometimes stopping the rope under her foot to sway to the rhythm before hopping again. She calls her unique improv style Rope O'Clock and even has a separate Instagram account dedicated to sharing her moves.

Perhaps the most satisfying trick in Youu's arsenal is the way she throws one end of the jump rope out before catching it in her hand again. Sometimes she will twirl it around, and other times she manipulates the rope like a whip. Whatever she does, you can be sure it pairs perfectly with the mix of dance, R&B, and Afrobeats jams accompanying her performances.

Scroll down to watch more mesmerizing videos by Youu, and be sure to follow her on Instagram so you never miss an update.

Paris-based Mimi Youu uses the jump rope in an unusual yet entirely mesmerizing way.

Using her amazing skills, she coordinates her moves to match up with music.

She calls her entertaining style Rope O'Clock jump rope style.

She is able to change the direction of the jump rope and toss it from hand to hand with incredible ease.

The choreography pairs perfectly with different songs.

Mimi Youu: Instagram
Rope o'Clock: Instagram

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Margherita Cole

Margherita Cole is a Contributing Writer at My Modern Met and illustrator based in Southern California. She holds a BA in Art History with a minor in Studio Art from Wofford College, and an MA in Illustration: Authorial Practice from Falmouth University in the UK. She wrote and illustrated an instructional art book about how to draw cartoons titled 'Cartooning Made Easy: Circle, Triangle, Square' that was published by Walter Foster in 2022.
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