
November 16, 2023

25 Nostalgic Throwback Gifts To Make You Feel Like You’re Back in the ‘90s

What's your favorite memory of the '90s? Your answer will likely depend on your age, but there's no doubt it'll include some sort of trend that seems long lost. Gen X college students ordered pizza via landlines while wearing flannels and loose high-waisted Levis, millennial kids were trying to keep their Tamagotchis alive, and Gen Z babies were being introduced to their first Tickle Me Elmo dolls. It felt like we had it all!

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November 9, 2023

Artistic Views of the World’s Rivers and Deltas Created Using Lidar Data [Interview]

Graphics editor Daniel Coe has always been captivated by maps, and his love of cartography has only grown over the years. For the past several years, he has been creatively using this passion to make stunning artwork focused on the world's rivers. Coe takes advantage of open-source lidar data to put together evocative maps that tell the history of these rivers and deltas.

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November 7, 2023

50+ Gifts for Crafters and Makers to Spark Their Imagination

What do you buy the person in your life who can make basically everything themselves? Crafters are famously, well, crafty—meaning they’re always keeping busy with DIY projects and probably have an “idea list” as long as their arm. But no matter how many artistic activities they may have on the go, there’s always room for more.

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